Isle of Bute

Scottish Rose Veal
Drumachloy Farm, Isle of Bute

Scottish Rose Veal is reared to high welfare standards on Drumachloy farm. This fantastic tender veal can be purchased on-line shipped across the UK. Or at local farmers markets

Bute Museum
Rothesay, Isle of Bute
0700 505067
Open all year. Oct - Mar Tues to Sun 1430 to 1630
outside the castle walls to the west, ie furthest away from the ferry
Loch Fad Freshwater Fishing
Loch Fad, Isle of Bute
01700 504871
£16 per day. Concessions
West from Rothesay, up High Street alongside the Castle, then a mile west and take track to the right hand side of the road.

Deep loch stocked with trout. Pike, perch, and roach are fished. Rods and rowing boats are available for hire.